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Home    >    Early Childhood Education and Care
Early Childhood Education and Care
History, Policy, and Social Work Practice
Joy P. Greenberg and Jessica M. Kahn
ISBN: 978-0-87101-528-0. 2018. Item #5280. 180 pages.
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Early childhood education and care encompass many different programs and types of care, from day care centers and home-based care to nursery schools and preschools. Most children receive at least some nonparental care before attending kindergarten; however, the quality and costs of these programs differ across various geographic and sociodemographic groups. Effective early education has been shown to help reduce poverty, and consequences for disadvantaged children who receive low-quality care are serious and long-lasting.

Early childhood education and care is an emerging and important domain for the social work profession. Social workers, with their commitment to social justice, are well positioned to address these issues and inequalities. Early Childhood Education and Care, written by Joy P. Greenberg and Jessica M. Kahn, highlights the important roles that social workers can play in direct practice, public policy, research, advocacy, and social work education associated with early childhood education and care. The book explores the evolution of day nurseries and nursery schools, detailing the origins of the current fragmented early childhood education and care system. Use patterns related to income, race and ethnicity, immigration status, and parental education are identified. The authors describe model programs and the effects of various care arrangements, demonstrating how different types of settings can influence outcomes and benefit certain groups of children. International approaches are analyzed, providing more insight into potential areas for domestic reform. In the final chapter, recent early childhood education and care debates are discussed through a social work lens.
About the Authors

Chapter 1: An Overview

Chapter 2: Definitions and History

Chapter 3: Today's Situation

Chapter 4: Outcomes Associated with Early Childhood Education and Care

Chapter 5: An International Perspective

Chapter 6: Roles for Social Workers in Early Childhood Education and Care

Chapter 7: An Illustration of Key Skills and Practices

Chapter 8: Moving Forward

Jessica M. Kahn, PhD, LMSW, is an associate professor of social work and MSW program adviser at Lehman College, City University of New York, in the Bronx. She previously attended Davidson College, Washington University in St. Louis, and Columbia University. In direct practice and social work administration, Dr. Kahn primarily worked at agencies with vulnerable children and families. In that capacity, Dr. Kahn saw the need for better child and family welfare policies, including more progressive approaches to poverty reduction, parental leave, and early education and care. Professor Kahn teaches policy, research, and fieldwork courses with a focus on social and economic justice.

Joy P. Greenberg, PhD, LMSW, is an associate professor of social work and the MSW program director at Lehman College, City University of New York. Before receiving her doctorate in 2007 from Columbia University School of Social Work, she facilitated groups for new parents and caregivers. Her research areas of interest include early childhood education and care policy, immigrants and education, and school social work in the urban environment. She teaches social welfare policy, research methods, social work administration, and an elective titled Social Work in Urban Schools.
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