NASW Press
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Exam Copy Requests

NASW Press invites you to decide before you buy! Faculty affiliated with a US university or college can place an order for books that they are considering adopting for the classroom. You will have 90 days to make a decision.

If you have already adopted a book for your classroom, you may contact customer service to request a desk copy for the instructor(s). Proof of adoption is required.

Note that Encyclopedia of Social Work, The Social Work Dictionary, DVDs, and brochures are not available as exam copies.

  • If you decide to adopt the title for classroom use—keep the exam copy and send the original NASW Press invoice, along with a copy of your request, to your university bookstore.
  • If you do not wish to adopt the title but want to keep the book—pay the original NASW Press invoice and keep the book for your personal library.
  • If you want to return the title—return the book, unmarked and in salable condition, with the original invoice, to:

NASW Press
Attn: Returns Department
9050 Junction Drive
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

Submit your exam copy request today! You will receive an email confirmation after your order is placed.