NASW Press
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Chapter 2: NASW Press Policies

NASW Press welcomes articles for submission to our four scholarly journals—Social Work, Health & Social Work, Children & Schools, and Social Work Research. We encourage human services professionals from all disciplines to submit articles that are relevant to social work and meet NASW Press guidelines.

Prior Publication

NASW Press journals publish original articles that have not been published previously and are not under consideration by other publishers. Prior publication includes the following:

  • previous publication in other scholarly journals
  • previous publication in the popular press
  • previous publication in agency or company newsletters or magazines
  • previous distribution through an online document delivery service.

Articles that have been published previously will not be reviewed. If a manuscript has been accepted before the existence of prior publication is known, acceptance will be withdrawn as soon as NASW Press learns of the prior publication.

Overlapping Submissions for Journals

At its discretion, an NASW Press editorial board can reject or withdraw acceptance of any article under review or already accepted if such information has been withheld or substantive portions have been published or submitted for publications elsewhere. Such action will be taken if it is determined that publication could lead to violation of NASW Press publications policy or NASW’s adherence to copyright law.

A manuscript will be deemed an overlapping submission if it shares the following with another article or articles:

  • identical language
  • substantive portions of similar or paraphrased language
  • identical conclusions
  • identical implications.

Although a large-scale study may yield more than one article, it is essential that each article add new information to the profession’s knowledge base. Succeeding articles should build on each other rather than rework the same information. The addition of methodology and data to a literature review does not constitute creation of a new article if the conclusions and implications are identical.

Prior Consent

NASW Press must assume that content in a journal article presented to NASW by an author is available for general dissemination. It is the responsibility of the author, not NASW Press, to determine whether the disclosure of this material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain that consent.

Unbiased Communication

In the interest of accurate and unbiased communication, authors should not use language that may imply sexual, ethnic, or other kinds of discrimination, stereotyping, or bias. NASW is committed to the fair and equal treatment of individuals and groups, and material submitted to NASW Press should not promote stereotypical or discriminatory attitudes and assumptions about people.

Use of Professional Titles

NASW Press journals are dedicated to improving social work practice and to increasing knowledge in the field. Authors do not need to be either professional social workers or NASW members to submit manuscripts. The criterion for submission is clear relevance to social work. However, if the author of an accepted manuscript is a professional social worker, the title used in the author blurb at the end of the article will reflect the profession. Titles such as “psychotherapist” or “family counselor” will not be used to substitute for social work titles. Certification and licensing designations, such as ACSW and LCSW, will be published.

Publication of Professional Work of NASW Leaders

All NASW Press publications seek to attain the highest quality of material. No one is denied access to publication. All submissions are processed in the same manner and reviewed by referees, with no prejudice for or against members of the editorial boards, consulting editors, or other NASW staff and volunteer leaders. All submissions to NASW Press journals are reviewed anonymously.


Opinions in the NASW journals are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Association of Social Workers. The mention of trade names does not constitute an endorsement by NASW.

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