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An Author’s Guide to Social Work Journals, 5th Edition
NASW Press
ISBN: 978-0-87101-392-7. Item #3927. 2009. 424 pages.

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Every prospective author wants to be recognized as credible, authoritative, and reputable, and finding the best fit for one’s manuscript among the myriad social work journals in publication is critical to achieving recognition. For this reason, An Author’s Guide to Social Work Journals has been an indispensable part of the libraries of academics and researcher for several decades – the first edition was published in 1983.

The fifth edition of An Author’s Guide to Social Work Journals describes over 200 journals, arranged by subject, and includes, as always, detailed information for each title on the following criteria:

  • current and previous title
  • editorial focus
  • special or theme issues
  • where indexed and abstracted
  • circulation
  • frequency of publication
  • submission guidelines and format
  • suggested style
  • review process
  • acceptance rate
  • reprint policy
  • e-mail addresses and Web sites

and much more!


Categories of Information For Each Journal

Journals Arranged by Subject Categories

Activities, Adaptation & Aging
Administration in Social Work
Advances in Social Work
Affilia - Journal of Women and Social Work
Aging and Mental Health
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementia
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
American Journal of Family Therapy
American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry
American Journal of Sexuality Education
American Psychologist
American Sociological Review
Attachment & Human Development
Australian Social Work
Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian
British Journal of Psychotherapy
British Journal of Social Work
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality
Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal
Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal
Child & Family Behavior Therapy
Child and Youth Care Forum
Child & Youth Services
Child Maltreatment - Journal of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Child Psychiatry and Human Development
Child Welfare
Children and Schools
Children and Youth Services Review
China Journal of Social Work
Clinical Gerontologist
Clinical Social Work Journal
The Clinical Supervisor
Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society
Community Mental Health Journal
Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal
Critical Social Policy: A Journal of Theory and Practice in Social Welfare
Critical Social Work
Death Studies
Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice
Developmental Psychology
Ethics and Social Welfare
Evaluation and Program Planning: An International Journal
Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services
Family Preservation Journal
Family Process
Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies
Federal Probation: A Journal of Philosphy and Practice
Gender and Society
The Gerontologist
Global Social Policy
Group Work
Hastings Center Report
Healing Ministry
Health Affairs
Health & Social Work
Health Care Financing Review
Health Psychology
Home Health Care Services Quarterly
International Journal of Aging and Human Development
International Journal of Culture and Mental Health
International Journal of Mental Health
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine
International Journal of Sexual Health
International Journal of Social Welfare
The International Journal of Volunteer Administration
International Social Work
Journal for Specialists in Group Work
Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Journal of Addictive Diseases
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma (JAMT)
Journal of Aging Studies
Journal of Aging & Social Policy
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
Journal of Applied School Psychology
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work
Journal of Bisexuality
Journal of Black Studies
Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy
Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse
Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (JCSA)
Journal of Children and Poverty
Journal of Community Practice
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of Counseling Psychology
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage
Journal of Drug Issues
Journal of Dual Diagnosis
Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work
Journal of Family and Economic Issues
Journal of Family Issues
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Family Psychotherapy
Journal of Family Social Work
Journal of Family Violence
Journal of Feminist Family Therapy
Journal of Forensic Social Work
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services
Journal of General Psychology
Journal of Genetic Psychology
Journal of Gerontological Social Work
Journal of Global Social Work Practice
Journal of HIV/Aids & Social Services
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Journal of Lesbian Studies
Journal of LGBT Health Research
Journal of LGBT Youth
Journal of Marriage & the Family
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Pediatric Psychology
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
Journal of Poetry Therapy: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, Research, and Education
Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Policy Practice
Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning
Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community
Journal of Progressive Human Services
Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
Journal of Poverty
Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought
Journal of Public Child Welfare
Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy
Journal of Sexual Aggression
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Service Research
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics
Journal of Specialists in Groupwork
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
Journal of Teaching in Social Work
Journal of Technology in Human Services
Journal of Traumatic Stress
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness
Journal of Women and Aging
Journal of Women, Politics and Policy
Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health
Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Journal of Youth Studies
Marriage and Family Review
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology
The New Social Worker: The Magazine for Social Work Students and Recent Graduates
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Occupational Therapy in Health Care
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics
Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
Policy and Practice
Practice: Social Work in Action
Professional Development: the International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education
Psychiatric Services
Psychoanalytic Social Work
Psychological Assessment
Psychology and Aging
Psychotherapy Theory, Research, Practice and Training
Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice
Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping
Research and Practice in Social Sciences
Research on Social Work Practice
Residential Treatment for Children and Youth
SCI Psychosocial Process
School Social Work Journal
Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
Small Group Research: An International Journal of Theory, Investigation and Application
Smith College Studies in Social Work
Social Development Issues
Social Service Review
Social Work
Social Work and Christianity: An International Journal
Social Work and Social Sciences Review
Social Work & Society
Social Work Education: the International Journal
Social Work Forum
Social Work in Health Care
Social Work in Mental Health
Social Work in Public Health
Social Work Research
Social Work With Groups
Studies in Social Justice
Substance Abuse
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior
The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (JCPP)
Violence Against Women
Women and Health
Women and Therapy
I have always depended on An Author’s Guide to Social Work Journals, especially in my early days as an academic and a researcher, and later as a mentor. It has been a valuable tool in deciding the best fit for my manuscripts and helping me learn about the breadth of journals available. The fourth edition of the book was published in 1997, and a lot has changed since then. Many journals have moved from requiring authors to send in five hard copies of their manuscripts to requiring electronic submission, either online or through e-mail. Some journals have ceased publication since the last volume was published, and there have been many new journals, both in print and online, that have begun publication.

This volume covers over 200 journals and includes new titles such as Advances in Social Work, Critical Social Work, the Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, and Qualitative Social Work. Authors using this tool should find increased coverage of internationally oriented journals and a new international subject category making them easier to find.

My thanks go to Jeanne C. Marsh, who served as the editor of the last edition, and to Henry Mendelsohn, who served as editor for the three volumes before that. My thanks also go to Lisa O’Hearn from NASW Press, who has been patient with me while overseeing this venture. Also, my thanks go to Stephanie Souza, Michel Coconis, and Deb Gossert, who put countless hours into this project.

Terry Cluse-Tolar
Chair, Social Work Department
University of Toledo
TitleName of journal.
Previous TitlePrevious name of journal, if applicable.
Editorial FocusThe types of articles (research, review, theoretical, and so forth) that the editor or editorial board seek, in addition to such features as letters, notices, research in brief, book reviews, and so forth.
AudienceDiscipline and types of subscribers, such as practitioners, faculty, libraries, etc.
Special ThemesContent or subject areas of particular interest to the journal.
Where Indexed/AbstractedSources where the journal is indexed or abstracted.
Year EstablishedYear of first volume; if there have been interruptions or if the journal has been retitled at any point, please note.
CirculationSize of subscriber list.
FrequencyHow often the journal is published each year.
Months IssuedThe months or seasons the journal is published.
No. of ArticlesNumber of articles per issue.


AddressFull address for submission of manuscripts.
Number of CopiesNumber of copies the author should submit.
Disk SubmissionAre disks required for submission? Are they required for accepted manuscripts? What word processing formats are accepted?
Online SubmissionIs online submission required? What word processing formats are accepted? What is the Web site used for submissions?


Cover SheetInformation to be included on cover sheet, if required.
AbstractNumber of words needed, if an abstract is required.
Key WordsAre key words required? How many?
LengthDesired or maximum number of pages.
MarginsCorrect margin settings.
SpacingSpacing - single, double, or triple - required.


Name of GuideSuggested style guide or statement of availability of style requirements from editor or publisher.
SubheadingsHow much to include, if required.
ReferencesProper style.
FootnotesHow to include, if required or accepted.
Tables or FiguresFormat. Is camera-ready required for all art? Or does the journal provide graphic services for a fee?


TypeInformation on review process, whether it is anonymous or not. Peer review?
QueriesDoes the editor welcome or accept query letters?
AcknowledgmentMethod by which manuscripts are acknowledged; also, instructions for including a self-addressed, stamped envelope or postcard, if required.
Review TimeEstimate length of time from receipt of manuscript to the time the author is notified of a decision.
RevisionsHow revisions are handled; requirements for resubmission.
Acceptance RateEstimate of the approximate percentage of manuscripts accepted.
Return of ManuscriptAre manuscripts returned? Should authors include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of manuscript?
Lag Time to PrintEstimate of the usual length of time between acceptance and publication.


Author AlterationsDoes the journal charge authors for alterations in proofs? If so, what are the charges?
Page ChargesDoes the journal issue page charges? If so, are they for expedited publication? What are the charges?
ProcessingDoes the journal charge for processing manuscripts?


Reprint PolicyPolicy on purchase of reprints or free provision of reprints; address for reprints?
Book ReviewsDoes the journal publish book reviews? Does it accept unsolicited book reviews? How should books for review or reviews be submitted? To whom and where?
SubscriptionsDirections for obtaining subscription orders and cost of one-year subscription.
AffiliationName of professional association or institution, if any, with which the journal is affiliated.
E-Mail AddressEditor’s or publisher’s address and purposes for use.
Web SiteHome page of publisher or journal.